GoDRIvE ATARi ST is a complete solution for an ATARI ST line computers (520/1040 STfm/STe/STf – all with built in FDD)to keep original Floppy drive and have FDD emulator.

GoDRIvE ATARI ST lets you have both inside and switch between them on the go.
You can use either an FDD or floppy drive emulator, but NOT both at the same time.

  1. Both act as DRIVE A:
  2. Keep original FDD in place.
  3. Ability to switch between both (FDD and GoDRiVE ATARi ST)on the go.
  4. Buzzer with amplifying circuit to hear emulated floppy sound (FF.cfg adjustable)
  5. No modification to the case needed.
  6. Used FFC ribbon instead of dupont connectors (much neater and easier to feed ribbon through case vents).
  7. Breakout box with all necessary features (Large 1.3” OLED screen, rotary encoder with switch, activity LED light, drive selector and USB socket)
  8. Uses latest Artery 435 IC, unless otherwise stated.

Breakout box comes in grey colour to closely match ST colour case, also equipped with non invasive double sided gel tape to hold it in place.

Running recent FlashFloppy firmware, thanks to Keir Fraser.
https://github.com/keirf/flashfloppy – strongly recommend to visit his page for the latest firmware updates, “FF” config guide.

–Click here to download fitting manual–

Fitting notice:

This solution has been tested with 520STfm and 520STe models so far, top shield need to be present as it uses mounting holes. For other models, please inspect FITTING GUIDE PICTURE on the bottom of this page (mounting points and space between shield and FDD) MAKE SURE YOU CHECK THIS BEFORE ORDERING!


First few available now to order!

Ask for availabiliy

Priced at £90