GoDRIvE2000 is complete solution for those want to keep original FDD as DF0: and also have functionality of the fully bootable Floppy drive emulator (as DF0:)
- Fit’s into 5.25 bay (all copmatible models : A1500, A2000, A2500)
- Sleek design with everthing on single PCB
- Equipped with 1.3 OLED Screen, Rotary Encoder, Drive selector, Activity LED light and USB socket
- Let you switch between drives on the go (GoDRIvE -> FDD and Vice versa)
- You can still use your 2nd FDD if your Amiga is equipped with one (DF1:)
- Buzzer with amplifying circuit to hear emulated floppy sound (FF.cfg adjustable)
- Uses latest ARTERY 435IC
- Comes with custom made FDD 34pin data cable and Molex to 4pin power adapter cable
Front facia available in Black or White
GoDRIvE Logo available in: Black, White, Translucent, Orange, Blue, Purple
Running recent FlashFloppy firmware, thanks to Keir Fraser.
https://github.com/keirf/flashfloppy – strongly recommend to visit his page for the latest firmware updates, “FF” config guide.
Priced at £95